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By Thierry Michel 

Affiche Métamorphose d'une gare copie.jpg

A film by Thierry Michel 

A coproduction Les Films de la PasserelleRTBF ith the participation of d’Euro Liège TGV et du Ministère de la Communauté Française, Administration générale de l'infrastructure - Cellule architecture 

Métamorphose d’une gare traces the exceptional architectural
adventure of the building of the new Guillemins station in
Liège, at the heart of Europe and its network of high-speed
tracks. Thierry Michel’s camera follows the slow gestation of
this pharaonic project for nine years, from the first bite of the
mechanical diggers to the placing of the last cobblestone.
The construction of this building, entrusted to the famous
Spanish architect, Santiago Calatrava, proved to be an
endless source of challenges. Firstly there was the
technological challenge of building a station on an existing
site without interrupting the traffic. This was a world first.
Its size, volume and unusual lines meant the building was
also an extraordinary architectural challenge requiring the
precision of a watchmaker.
Anxieties, frictions, tensions, but also relief and pride would
be the daily lot of those involved in this gigantic human
adventure. For all of them, the workers, site managers,
engineers and the commissioners of the project, the building
of thiswork was also one of the greatest architectural
projects of the new millennium.
Technical sheet
Year: 2009
Duration: 58'
Language: French
Screenplay: Thierry Michel & Christine Pireaux
Direction: Thierry Michel
Cinematography: Thierry Michel

Sound: Vincent Depas, Jean-Luc Fichefet, Idriss Gabel & Yves Warnant

Editing: Idriss Gabel
Sound editing: Jean-Luc Fichefet & Idriss Gabel
Mixing: Jean-Luc Fichefet
Calibration: Franck Ravel
Music: A-Music
Christine Pireaux - Les Films de la Passerelle
Festival selections (1)
International Festival of Films on Art 2012
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